Lazzara UHV 87 has its international début in Cannes: a visit on board the m/y Sandro - Daily Nautica

2022-10-11 06:57:14 By : Ms. Cherry Lee

Among the many megayachts that attracted attention from visitors to the Cannes Yachting Festival 2022 for their singular design, there certainly is a place for the Lazzara UHV 87 m/y “Sandro”, an 87 footer for those who want extraordinary luxury, a chic style and impeccable functionality.

Carefully designed to create unrivalled interior space, the UHV87 has the biggest gross tonnage of any yacht in its class and its optimal use of the space rivals that of a yacht double its size. With 2,153 square feet of liveable interior space and 862 square feet of exterior deck, the Lazzara UHV 87 offers a superlative on board lifestyle: a proper house among the waves created by the American shipyard, Lazzara Yachts.

The streamlined exterior intersecting with the glass windows and panels confers a surprising silhouette to the UHV 87, making it stand out from the crowd. The deck space includes a spacious open air dining area with adjacent living area on the upper deck, and a bow equipped with sun lounge and a large swimming platform for easy access to the water, tender and water toys.

The UHV 87 can accommodate eight passengers in four suites. The king-size owner’s cabin is on the main deck and has its own living area and desk, as well as a private, refined marble spa style bathroom. Guest accommodation includes a VIP cabin and two double cabins, once of which is on the lower deck. There is separate accommodation for the four crew members to the stern. The galley is on the main deck to be used by the owner or a professional chef.

The common areas on board include a large hall on the main deck with large screen television and a sky lounge on the upper deck with a bar area, games table and cinema screen. Everything is enhanced by the floor-to-ceiling windows. Exotic wood and artisan leather work give a luxury feel and the overall result is similar to that of a fully customised superyacht.

The UHV 87 is an example of Lazzara’s advanced construction skills and technical innovation. The yacht was built in composite using epoxy resin and glass. Vibrational noise on board has been reduced to a minimum. Every detail has been carefully designed in order to offer optimal performance and piloting. With two Volvo engines, the Lazzara UHV 87 can reach maximum speeds of 16 knots, with a cruising speed of 12 knots.

The Lazzara UHV 87 has already attracted a lot of attention and was winner of the International Yacht & Aviation Awards 2022.

Topics: Cannes Yachting festival 2022, Lazzara

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