LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WAVE) - Louisville Metro Council has decided the King Louis XVI statue will not return to the outdoors.
Previously located on West Jefferson and 6th Streets, the statue was vandalized during summer protests in 2020.
The marble was cracked, spray-painted and the statue’s right hand was ripped off and passed around.
The statue was taken down, and in Sept. 2020, Metro Councilman Kevin Kramer filed a resolution asking the city to repair, restore and reinstall the nine-ton statue.
Last week a Metro Council committee discussed whether the statue would be returned to its original location.
The council heard from the city’s Public Art Administrator Jessica Kincaid, who presented findings from three different consultant firms.
All findings of which advised the statue should not return to the outdoors.
“Even with treatment, the structure will continue to destabilize in an outdoor environment,” Kincaid said. “Which raises a public safety concern and also the likelihood that it would be vandalized again should weigh in. Second, there are a limited number of indoor locations that can accommodate the weight and size of the statue that makes sense as a home for the statue and are publicly accessible.”
An estimate to fix all the issues surrounding the statue totaled more than $200,000.
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