Photos: A Look Inside Trump's Mar-a-Lago Resort in Palm Beach, Florida |

2022-10-13 05:32:16 By : Ms. Amanda Yang

Mar-A-Lago is infamous for many reasons, but Donald Trump taking up residence (and the ensuing FBI raid) might top the list. Built by Marjorie Merriweather Post of breakfast cereal fame in 1924, the compound is just about 100 years old. No matter how many SWAT teams storm the grounds, the Palm Beach-based resort and private club is inarguably lush and beautiful. Check out this behind-the-scenes look at Mar-A-Lago, including some not-often-seen interior photos, and watch how quickly you start planning your next tropical vacation. 

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The hallmark image for the resort, as you probably know, is the highly picturesque pool. The 100 by 50 foot monster is complete with a whirlpool and sits in front of the spa where Melania Trump once dropped $64,000 on a single treatment. With an onsite staff of personal trainers, yoga classes, and private salons, there’s no question it offers the height of luxury. 

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Designed by Marion Sims Wyeth, the 37,000 square foot villa is Mediterranean in style and designed in heavy conjunction with Marjorie Merriweather Post’s creative input. Though the coconut palms aren’t exactly at home with the influences of the artist, the place feels very much like a European kingdom in the middle of the tropics. And really, that’s what it is. 

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Pull up to the gate, and you’ll see right away that it’s adorned with the famous Spanish tile that Mar-a-Lago is so well-known for. If you are one of us normal people who don’t have access to the club, this is the one and only thing you’ll be able to see, as the rest of the resort’s wonders lie beyond.

It was a bit of a surprise when the Red Cross moved its annual charity gala from Mar-a-Lago in 2017 (joining a long list of others in boycotting the resort), especially since the ball was established there in 1957. There’s no doubt the pool looked insane next to those roses as the sun went down.

Mar-a-Lago, which means "Sea to Lake" in Spanish, may be known for its golf course above all else. There’s a lot associated with Trump, but that guy would never settle for anything less than the most spectacular golf course; it’s safe to say this one is right up there at the top. Related: The Most Expensive Neighborhood in Every State

A nice, moody room to play pool in, with walls and floors no doubt soaked in the aroma of years of scotch and cigars. And that painting right behind you? You guessed it. There’s the Don man himself. It definitely does the Mona Lisa thing where the eyes follow you no matter where you go, right?

Is it stunning? Absolutely. The room looks like a dang French palace. At the same time, it’s gotta feel stuffy in there. And sitting directly underneath one of those $33,000 chandeliers seems like a death wish.

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As displayed in the living room of the mansion, here we have a model of the resort. We’re not saying this looks like it was made in a middle school art class, but … look at the shape of those windows. Come on now.

White furniture and chandeliers galore, the living room in Mar-a-Lago might be the most impressive feat of the entire establishment. The most eye-catching bit is the gold ceiling, which does not look like it was made in a middle school art class and is in fact, a copy of “The Thousand-Wing Ceiling” in the Accademia Gallery in Venice, Italy. 

No bedroom is complete without a few gold lamps (not to mention what seems to be one of stained glass, too), a Spanish tile fireplace, and an old European portrait — that’s what we always say. Check out that chair, too. That’ll fix your posture right up.

Minus the gaudy table decorations, we can’t imagine a dreamier room to eat breakfast in. An ocean view, green grass, and swampy tropical sunshine do tend to make breakfast better, but the minute we see a gator start crawling across that lawn, we’re out of here.

You didn’t expect this place to be without a private area for the owner, did you? As you’d imagine, the suite is rich with fine wooden panels, oil paintings, white tile, and a black marble fireplace. No chance there’s anything less than a four-poster bed in there, either.

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