6 Places to Pick Up Hocus Pocus-Themed Treats in Rhode Island - Rhode Island Monthly

2022-10-11 08:09:28 By : Mr. Chuanbiao Xu

Hocus Pocus-themed doughnuts topped with a cookie from PVDonuts. Photos courtesy of PVDonuts Instagram page.

Something is brewing in our local bakeries. In light of Hocus Pocus 2 being filmed in our little state, bakers have been busy making us mere mortals some tasty treats – see if you can find your favorite Sanderson sister milling about, or maybe just in cookie form. Stop by one of these local bakeries to gather all the goodies you need to enjoy opening night.

Dive into a decadent brioche doughnut dipped in a cream cheese glaze, rolled in themed sprinkles, and topped with a Sanderson sister or bubbly cauldron cookie during this special weekend until Sunday.

The details: Wednesday–Friday 8 a.m.–3 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 8 a.m.–4 p.m. 79 Ives St., Providence, @pvdonuts, pvdonuts.com 

A post shared by Gingersnaps Bakery (@gingersnapsbakery_ri)

Find your Hocus Pocus movie snack here with an assortment of fun cookies, cupcakes and more. Pick your favorite Sanderson sister cupcake by the color of her hair and learn some spells with spellbook brownies. Pre–order online. 

The details: Tuesday–Friday 9 a.m.–6 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m.–5 p.m. 182 Front St., Lincoln, 401–475–2587, @gingersnapbakery_ri, gingersnapsbakeryri.com   

A post shared by Wright’s Dairy Farm & Bakery (@wrightsbakeryri)

Wright’s Dairy Farm and Bakery

Learn how to cast a spell like the Sanderson sisters with the Manual of Witchcraft and Alchemy cake. If spellcasting isn’t your thing, there’s plenty of other delicious goodies to try.

The details: Sunday–Wednesday 9 a.m.–6 p.m., Thursday–Saturday 8 a.m.–7 p.m. 200 Woonsocket Hill Rd., North Smithfield, 401–767–3014, @wrightsbakeryri, wrightsdairyfarm.com 

A post shared by LaSalle Bakery (@lasallebakery)

Swooping in to sweeten up your day is the ‘three witches’ Hocus Pocus-themed cake slice, made with three layers of marble cake and layers of frosting in each witches’ theme. Available at both locations. 

The details: Monday–Saturday 7 a.m.–7 p.m., Sunday 7 a.m.–6 p.m. for both locations. 993 Smith St., Providence, 401–831–9563; 685 Admiral St., Providence, 401–228–0081, @lasallebakery, lasallebakery.net 

A post shared by Jaswell’s Farm (@jaswells_farm)

Quench your thirst with Winnie’s Wicked Cold Brew Cider. Made with Jaswell’s Farm fresh pressed apple cider, make your choice of green, purple or orange, topped with an apple cider doughnut, whipped cream and spooky sprinkles. 

The details: Wednesday–Monday 9 a.m.–5 p.m. 401–231–9043. 50 Swan Rd., Smithfield @jaswells_farm, jaswellsfarm.com 

A post shared by Cupcake Charlie’s (@cupcakecharlies)

Cupcake Charlie’s is casting a spell with their Hocus Pocus Doozie, packed with chocolate chip, funfetti, vanilla and chocolate cupcakes. If cupcakes aren’t your thing, try some of their themed cookies, brownies, cake pops and ice cream floats.

The details: Sunday–Thursday 11 a.m.–6 p.m., Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.–9 p.m. 135 Swinburne Row, Brick Market Plaza, Newport, 401–848–2253, @cupcakecharlies, cupcakecharlies.com