Ballots were mailed last week to registered voters in Box Elder County for the June 28 primary election, which features several races to determine who will represent the Republican Party in the general election this November.
The Leader reached out to the candidates in contested races for county offices, including races for two seats on the Box Elder County Board of Commissioners and a race for Box Elder County Sheriff. Following are their responses and statements, printed verbatim, as they make their case to county voters.
I know that to protect what makes Box Elder great takes more than passion, it takes knowledge, tools, skills, relationships and experience. I have the experience and I have the desire to serve. Running for County Commission isn’t the start of my work for the County, it is a continuation of it. I’m committed and my record shows it. I love where I live and I have the know how to do the work the County needs right now.
I have a well-rounded background working in agriculture, running my family business and serving in government. I have managed large budgets and have experience managing people and departments. I have served on the Bear River Water Conservancy District, the County Dispatch Board, the Bear River Association of Government’s Board, on the County Emergency Planning Commission and am a member of the Box Elder Farm Bureau. I have worked with local, state and federal government fighting against government over reach, fighting for water rights and working to better Northern Utah. I am prepared to serve as a County Commissioner the first day of my term, using my experience to serve all of Box Elder County.
The current Commissioners have done a good job. As a Commissioner I would focus more on development and planning as a county. I will open public comment and increase transparency. I will work with all the cities and communities in the County to better coordinate services and resources. I will work with other County Elected Officials to manage the daily operations of the county and increase capacity and accountability with all county departments starting with the Commission.
The biggest issue facing Box Elder County is growth. Growth in the County is inevitable and only with calculated planning and purposeful economic development can growth be managed. Business, agriculture, manufacturing and communities all need each other to thrive. To thrive we need reasonable housing, we need to grow our workforce and we need to maintain our quality of life. We need a County Commission working and coordinating with cities, unincorporated areas, developers, agriculture and businesses to have a long term plan that addresses water, waste, roads, communications and power. Box Elder County’s heritage can only be protected through managed growth with leaders experienced and with the tools to do the work.
I believe I am the candidate that can represent both the population centers and the rural areas. As Mayor of Brigham City I understand the strain of providing social resources for families, the impact of dense housing, the need to revitalize small businesses and the necessity to keep our large businesses growing. As a 3rd generation Box Elder resident, I know the obligation we have to maintain our agriculture and our ranches. This County cannot be successful without meeting the needs of the whole, we can’t shut down growth and we cannot ignore the needs of agriculture, to protect both we need leaders with the tools, skills, experience and relationships to get it done.
My name is Boyd Bingham and I put my name on the ballot because I will bring a useful and needed dimension to the Box Elder County Commission. I have different experiences and knowledge that can be a great asset for our county. I have a strong work ethic and will be accountable to the people that I serve.
In Honeyville City, I was appointed to the board of appeals, elected to three terms on the City Council, and I am currently serving in my second term as Mayor. During this time, I have received much land use training. I have also been a member on several boards which manage the land, water, finances, and other resources on over 130,000 acres in eastern Idaho. For the last 2 decades, I have been a director and vice president in these organizations. I currently manage a third generation farm/ranch operation in our county so I understand the mechanics, challenges, and successes of business.
The main reason to seek public office is to listen to and serve the people you represent. Discussions prior to votes on issues that affect residents and businesses should take place before the public. Closed sessions of voted officials should only be for very specific reasons. I have visited different parts of our country where signs are actually placed on property where a proposed land use change is being decided. These signs declare where and when a public hearing will take place. Several times in our county, I hear that all of a sudden there was a subdivision being built and citizens who had helpful information had no previous knowledge of the change. I will support more instead of minimum requirements when notifying the public of big decisions that directly affect them. I welcome transparency.
In a recent general plan survey, our county reported that 93% of respondents expressed support for the protection and preservation of agricultural lands and operations. This involves much more than appreciating agriculture. Some leave the agricultural business because they choose to, but many are pushed out because of poor planning by their elected officials. How land and water resources are managed is of the utmost importance. Maintaining zoning compatibility is crucial. In land mass, Box Elder is one of Utah’s largest counties. I feel that there is a place for everything so that everything can thrive in its place!
Our county has vibrant cities, bedroom communities, and rural towns. Each community can decide what it wants to be. With this same right, our county can choose its direction. Our varied land use is one of the things that make our county a great place to live. We should support and celebrate our differences. As we move to the future, the clearest and strongest way to do it is by having a good sense of our past. If elected, bring wisdom and work hard to make a bright future for Box Elder County while preserving what we love.
Lee Perry is honored to be running for Box Elder County Commissioner Seat B. He is running to give back to the county that has given so much to him. He was born and raised in Brigham City and currently resides in Perry with his wife Kathlyn Keller Perry where they have raised 4 children. Lee has a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice administration and has served on numerous community boards and committees while he worked for the Utah Highway Patrol for over 31 years. He served on key committees during his 10 years of service in the Utah House of Representatives including being chairman of the natural resources, agriculture and environmental quality and law enforcement and criminal justice committees. He retired from the UHP in 2020 and chose not to run for re-election in 2020. He currently works in the private sector as a safety consultant.
He wants to improve the openness and transparency of county government by improving accessibility to the county’s codes, meeting information, and improving election disclosure laws. He will work to live stream commission meetings so people can participate without having to come to the courthouse from outlying areas in the county.
Lee is concerned about growth and is committed to work with stake holders in our communities to develop and build on current responsible growth plans within our county especially when dealing with water, infrastructure, and public safety issues. He will work to find creative ways to provide housing options for those looking for housing in Box Elder County. Lee is committed to responsible spending of tax money in a manner that is respectful of the hard-working people who help provide funds for our county’s services. He is committed to remember how the decisions he makes will affect citizens and how they can benefit our future generations.
Lee has a proven track record of getting things done to protect agriculture, business, taxpayers, and public safety. He has over 20 years of managing and working with large groups of employees and understands their needs and how to work with them effectively which will be good for a County that has a large number of employees and volunteers. Lee believes because of his years of experience working for the Utah Highway Patrol and serving in the Utah Legislature his knowledge can benefit the county to manage and balance the budget. He can work on legislation that will benefit Box Elder County and fight against bad legislation that will negatively impact us. Like this endorsement says:
“Lee Perry is a strong conservative who is right on the issues and right for Box Elder County. His background in law enforcement and as a state legislator will serve Box Elder residents well. Please join me in supporting Lee Perry!” By U.S. Senator Mike Lee
Lee is asking for your vote during the June Primary election for Box Elder County Commission Seat B.
Lee can be reached at or 435-720-3029 or his website
Curtis L. Marble has been a resident of Box Elder County all his life and is a proud resident of West Corinne.
There are three major issues facing Box Elder County: residential growth, commercial development, and agricultural sustainability. Over his 30-year career in Agriculture, Curtis has consistently proven his ability to address these issues.
Curtis is a problem solver, and over the years, he has effectively represented the community by serving on irrigation and water boards. Curtis has resolved issues, worked with disgruntled shareholders, and has overseen major infrastructure projects. Not only did Curtis secure funding for these projects, but he made sure that they stayed on-or-under budget and were completed on time.
Curtis has proudly served on several community and agricultural boards, such as: Box Elder County FSA Committee, Bear River Canal Company, West Corinne Culinary Water Company, Lower Bear Distribution, and Utah Onion Association.
Curtis wants folks to know he is an honest person — as his children left for school each day, he would always say, “Remember who you are and who you represent.” Curtis knows who he is, and he will always remember that he represents the citizens of Box Elder County.
A County Commissioner should have a welcoming and approachable personality — Curtis is well-known for having such a personality, and he strives to listen and communicate with everyone who approaches him. Curtis states, “I do not want to shut you down or shut you out. I believe that everyone should have a voice.”
Curtis has the right temperament and attitude to guide our county government toward positive solutions. He recognizes the rapid growth and challenges that are facing Box Elder County. Solving these challenges will require a strong working relationship between county employees and the County Commission, and Curtis looks forward to forming that working relationship. This will benefit all residents of the county and will ensure that all citizens can voice their concerns.
Curtis knows the county’s citizens desire a change in county government and want new representation, and he hopes to be a part of this positive change. This change must start somewhere, and it starts with this County Commission election.
Curtis has been interested in county government for many years and has followed the issues closely. His decision to run for office was with great consideration to the time and effort needed to properly represent the County’s citizens.
Curtis drives on the same city and county roads that you do and he recognizes the benefits of living in Box Elder County, and he would like to be a voice for its citizens.
Curtis has said many times, “I’m not a politician — I’m simply a resident of Box Elder County who hopes to make our county a better place to live, work, and raise a family. I can provide a new vision and a fresh start for our county.”
This cannot happen without you. Be sure to vote in the upcoming Republican Primary, and remember to vote for Curtis L. Marble for County Commissioner!
I am a lifelong resident of Box Elder County, so my roots are deep. I am a fourth generation farmer and second generation Law Enforcement Officer. I married Nicole Gunderson Jensen and together we have three children and one grandchild. The platform that I am running on is proactive community engagement, proactively enforcing laws while engaging the community to take care of the issues that we are currently facing or will face in the future. My priorities are safety and security, accountability and transparency. I have been in law enforcement for twenty three years working for the Utah Department of Corrections and Utah Highway Patrol. I have attended thousands of hours of training in law enforcement. That training, experience, knowledge and my desire to make a difference is needed in Box Elder County.
I have focused my enforcement efforts on criminal interdiction which is interrupting the flow of criminal activities which includes illegal substances and human trafficking. These efforts have resulted in me personally removing 1,100 lbs of marijuana, 180 lbs of cocaine, 15 lbs of methamphetamine and multiple stolen firearms from our community. This type of proactive enforcement is important in order to maintain the safe and secure county that we love.
Becoming affiliated with the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force is important to me. With the advancements of technology, we not only have to worry about the predators in our community but those who are able to contact our children via the internet, crossing county and state lines. I have every intention to work with the Box Elder County Attorney’s office, State Attorney General’s Office and every other law enforcement agency in our community to make sure that we are providing these services and investigating these horrible crimes to keep our children safe in our community.
I will have an open minded approach to solving problems by encouraging others to suggest ideas and help solve them in order to get the best results. The role of a leader is to create an environment where great ideas happen.
I know what it was like to grow up here and raise a family. I want my children to enjoy those same experiences. I would appreciate your support in my bid for Box Elder County Sheriff.
Following is a statement issued by Potter earlier this year after announcing his decision to run for a third term as Box Elder County Sheriff:
I have served 28 years with the Box Elder Sheriff’s Office, the last seven as sheriff. I am a proven leader and implemented many positive changes, mostly in creating additional layers of supervision and recruiting and retention changes. I did so while never being over budget.
I made serving the public a priority.
I have established excellent working relationships with other law enforcement agencies, other county and city leaders, and the public we serve. I love my job, I want to serve another term as your Sheriff because I will continue to do what we do well while always looking for ways to improve.
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