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Martin Klozik gets set for the final shot that beat his brother Paul and made him a winner of the Daily News-sponsored citywide marble tournament finals. Martin, who won in 1940, had difficulty defeating his brother Paul, last year's champion. Martin made a patriotic gesture when he decided to take defense stamps for his prize in place of the jacket offered. April 1942
Ted Shudark of Eastlawn School won the annual grade school marbles tournament. Shudark, center, gets the first place medal from Francis Ensign, left, sports director of the Community Center, as runner up Gary McPhillips of Carpenter School looks on. About 30 players participated. May 1950
St. Brigid grade school students entered in the annual marble tournament knuckle down to a little pre-tournament practice. From left, back row, Shirley Cabala, Frank Adamick, Walter Bennett, George Maltby, Dennis Robertson, Richard Haskins, Francis Rutowkski, John Janicke, Patricia Walker, Raymond Perrault Jr., Ann Siler, John Jozwiak, Charles Bradley, Jerry Casey and Richard Sheets. Kneeling on the rim of the circle are, from left, Loretta McDann, Mary Bolton, Mary Lee Pellerin, Karen Short, Ed Novak. In the center is Charles Crill. May 1947
Jimmy Supinger of Wyllys Street, crouches and shoots marbles in a ring at the rear of Sugnet School. Jimmy said he will compete in the Daily News/Community Center's marble tournament. April 1946
Ferris Saxton, left, fifth grade student at Carpenter School, won the annual grade school marble tournament. He defeated Donald Davenport, right, State Street School, in the finals. Both boys had to qualify among the best at their schools and then oust 20 other marbles shooters. April 1948
Dick Hofer, preparing to shoot at left front, sixth grade student at State Street School, won the 1949 grade school marbles championship at the Community Center tennis courts. He defeated Ferris Saxton of Carpenter, defending champion, in the semi-finals then edged schoolmate Carl Blanck for the championship. Blanck, a fourth-grader, will have two more chances for the title. Kneeling to Hofer's left is Saxton watching the finals and Blanck is to Saxton's left. May 1949
Daily News sports editor Ed Allen wrote in 1955 that the game of marbles was almost a lost sport in Midland.
"Many Midlanders can remember when youngsters of this city used to look forward each spring to winning marbles and hopes of claiming the title of city marbles champion," he wrote. "Interest is still here. A Midland merchant stated that his firm has sold about 400 bags of marbles. Some of the bags had 50 marbles in them while some were sold containing 100. School yards, driveways and almost any place a youngster can find to play the game, marble competition has been held – but no official tournament."
Allen then called for the tournament to resume.
Throughout the 1940s, Daily News files show an annual grade school marble tournament involving Eastlawn, State, Dow, Patterson, Sugnet, Carpenter and St. Brigid schools.
Throwback is compiled by former Daily News managing editor, Lori Qualls. She can be contacted at
Lori Qualls retired as Daily News managing editor in early 2021, after 36 years of employment. She graduated with a journalism major and Earth science minor from Central Michigan University. She has received numerous writing awards over the years, the latest being a 2020 second place award for feature writing and a 2019 best column award from the Michigan Press Association. She enjoys listening to classic rock on vinyl records and watching the sky, both night and day.